upresults.nic.in - UPJEE B.Ed 2013 Results to be declared on 26th May
Uttar Pradesh B.Ed Entrance Examination (UPJEE-BEd2013) Results likely to be Announced on 26th May 2013 by deen dayal upadhyay (DDU) university on its official main portal site www.upresults.nic.in.
This UP JEE B.Ed Examination was held on 24/04/2013, in which paper I and II are Inclusion, and in Paper I has two section A General knowledge and Section B English, hindi, and paper B has also Section A Aptitude and Section B Science, Agriculture.
DDU Gorakhpur University was held this examination at various examination center and every center lots of applicant appeared at there to attempt this examination, and obviouslt those are now very excited for to check their UP JEE B.Ed Examination results 2013
Examiner could check their Uttar Pradesh B.Ed Entrance Examination results 2013 from following given below links when official declaration will be made.