AP TET Syllabus 2013 APTET Exam Question Paper
Department of School Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh will be Conduct Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (AP TET) on Sunday,01st September, 2013. The AP TET structure and content of each part ofPaper-I and Paper-II of the fourth APTET, and the breakup of the total 150 marks among various parts of the paper are given below -
A. All questions in APTET - September 2013 will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), each carrying one mark, with four alternatives out of which one answer will be correct. There will be no negative marking.
B. There will be two papers of APTET-September 2013.
(i) Paper I will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for classes I to V.
(ii) Paper II will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for classes VI to VIII.
C. A person who intends to be a teacher for both levels (classes I to V and classes VI to VIII) will have to appear in both the papers (Paper I and Paper II).
Paper-I for Classes I to V : No of MCQs - 150
Structure and Content (All Compulsory) :
1. The syllabus for Child Development and Pedagogy under Paper- I is based on the syllabus of D.Ed curriculum focusing on Educational Psychology of Teaching and Learning in Classes I to V and above.
2. In Andhra Pradesh, the following languages are offered under Language I viz., Telugu, Urdu, Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Oriya and Tamil. Candidate has to choose one of these 9 languages under Language I under APTET.
3. In respect of Andhra Pradesh language II under APTET shall be English for all candidates irrespective of medium of the school to which they intend to seek employment.
4. The syllabi for Mathematics & Environmental Studies are designed on the basis of topics of Classes I to V of state syllabus (old). The difficulty standard of questions will be up to X class level. In Mathematics 24 MCQs will be on content and 6 MCQs on pedagogy. Similarly in Environmental Studies 24 MCQs will be on content and 6 MCQs on pedagogy.
5. The syllabi for Language I & II shall be based on proficiency in the language, elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities (standard up to Class X level).
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A. All questions in APTET - September 2013 will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), each carrying one mark, with four alternatives out of which one answer will be correct. There will be no negative marking.
B. There will be two papers of APTET-September 2013.
(i) Paper I will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for classes I to V.
(ii) Paper II will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for classes VI to VIII.
C. A person who intends to be a teacher for both levels (classes I to V and classes VI to VIII) will have to appear in both the papers (Paper I and Paper II).
Paper-I for Classes I to V : No of MCQs - 150
Structure and Content (All Compulsory) :
SI. No
No. of
Child Development and Pedagogy
Language I
Language II (English)
Environmental Studies
1. The syllabus for Child Development and Pedagogy under Paper- I is based on the syllabus of D.Ed curriculum focusing on Educational Psychology of Teaching and Learning in Classes I to V and above.
2. In Andhra Pradesh, the following languages are offered under Language I viz., Telugu, Urdu, Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Oriya and Tamil. Candidate has to choose one of these 9 languages under Language I under APTET.
3. In respect of Andhra Pradesh language II under APTET shall be English for all candidates irrespective of medium of the school to which they intend to seek employment.
4. The syllabi for Mathematics & Environmental Studies are designed on the basis of topics of Classes I to V of state syllabus (old). The difficulty standard of questions will be up to X class level. In Mathematics 24 MCQs will be on content and 6 MCQs on pedagogy. Similarly in Environmental Studies 24 MCQs will be on content and 6 MCQs on pedagogy.
5. The syllabi for Language I & II shall be based on proficiency in the language, elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities (standard up to Class X level).
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