CISFis stands for “Central Industrial Security Force”. CISF has published an official notification in which they are inviting all Indian applicants for the recruitment of constable posts in various trades under cisf. This constables are recruited under the following trade “Barber, Boot Maker, Cook, Carpenter, Electrician, Motor Pump Attendant, Painter, Sweeper, Washer Man & Water Carrier”. More information related to this CISF Recruitment process 2014 is given below in this post:
Profile Name: Constable
Vacancies: 985 Posts.
Vacancies: 985 Posts.
Education: Indian applicants
who have passed in their Matriculation or its equivalent exam are eligible for
Pay Band: Rs.5200 – Rs. 20,200 +
the GP of Rs. 2000/-
for Applying:
Candidates have to apply offline by filling up the application form and send to
the address which is given inside the official Advt.
16TH Sept. 2014 is the Last Date for Receipt of
25th Sept. 2014 is the Closing Date of Application for North
Eastern Sector.