On the request of our valuable reader this time we are going to share a fresh topic which based on reasoning. We always share Shortcut methods on Mathematics problem but now this time we are going to share some tips and tricks to solve Reasoning problems.
This time we choose “SYLLOGISM” Topic to share with you. As we got lots of message from your side that you want some shortcut tips related to this topic. So here we are going to share some Shortcut Tips on Syllogism.
Trick-1: Dear reader always try to
solve this type of questions through a Venn diagram. The Common area in the
Venn diagram should be shaded and do give you a correct answer.
Trick-2: If your Venn Diagrams are
confusing you in between Statement 1 and Statement 2 than remember the
following order:
All + All = All
All + No = No
All + Some = No Conclusion
Some + All = Some
Some + Some = No Conclusion
Some + No = Some Not
No + No = No Conclusion
No + All = Some not reversed
No + Some = Some not reverse
All + All = All
All + No = No
All + Some = No Conclusion
Some + All = Some
Some + Some = No Conclusion
Some + No = Some Not
No + No = No Conclusion
No + All = Some not reversed
No + Some = Some not reverse
Trick-3: The common terms can be cancelled
in the given two statements, then on the remaining terms apply the syllogisms
rules and solve.
For Example: Some dogs are goats, all
goats are cows. Here you can Cancel out "goats" which leaves us with some
dogs are...all are cows.
words remaining are ALL and SOME in that order.
+ ALL = SOME, hence conclusion is SOME dogs are cows.
Trick-4: Interchange between
reading the question as well as the conclusion before arriving at the answers.
Always evaluate each and every conclusion to find out how many conclusions are
Trick-5: You should always have to Remember
some implications:
All <=> Some,
All <=> Some,
Example: All A are B also implies Some A are B (being a subset) and Some B are
<=> Some
Example: Some A are B also implies Some B are A
Example: No A are B also implies No B are A
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