(Details of JEE Main 2015 Admit Card (jeemain.nic.in) - Download Links at jeemain.nic.in)
Posted By: http://91sarkarinaukri.blogspot.com
JEE Main-2015 Admit cards Notification released by CBSE on the official website of JEE Main-2015, Click here to download the JEE Main-2015 admit card official website of JEE (Main) i.e. jeemain.nic.in.
How to download JEE Main-2015 admit card:
- Visit the official website of JEE (Main) i.e. jeemain.nic.in
- On the home page of the website, a link is provided to download the admit card of JEE Main-2015. To download the admit card, candidates have to click on the link.
- After clicking on the link, candidates have to enter JEE Main-2015 application no. and password for downloading the admit card
- Candidates have to verify the details and click on the download option to avail the JEE Main 2015 Admit Card.
- Click on the link and enter the necessary details. The details will include registration number and password.
- The hall ticket will only be made available if the academic details are uploaded.
- Take the print out of the admit card.
- The slot and test session will be mentioned on the admit card.
Admit Card 2015