FSSAI Syllabus 2021-22 Check Exam Pattern & Syllabus PDF

FSSAI Syllabus 2021-22 Check Exam Pattern & Syllabus PDF
Feb 10th 2022, 10:21, by Aishwarya Bhandarkar

FSSAI Syllabus 2021-22: FSSAI has released the official notification for the recruitment of various posts i.e. Technical Officer, Central Food Safety Officer, Assistant, Food Analyst, Deputy manager, etc. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has released a total of 233 vacancies; we have given the syllabus and Exam pattern of all the posts in this article. The candidates must be preparing for the FSSAI exam which will be conducted from 28th to 31st March 2022. Before preparing for any exam candidates must go through the detailed syllabus and exam pattern. We are providing you with the detailed FSSAI syllabus and exam pattern for all the posts.

FSSAI Syllabus 2021: Overview

FSSAI Syllabus 2021
Recruitment Body Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
Post Name Group A and other posts
Vacancies 233
Category Syllabus
Exam Level Central
Mode of Exam Online
Marking Scheme 4 marks for each
Negative Marking 0.25 marks
Selection Process Written Test -Interview
Official Website www.fssai.gov.in
Exam Date 28th to 31st March 2022

FSSAI Syllabus 2021: Exam Pattern

FSSAI will be recruiting 233 various vacancies. All these posts announced by FSSAI have different exam patterns. Candidates must carefully check the exam pattern of the post for which they have applied to form their preparations accordingly.

FSSAI Fresh Exam Dates Out 2021-2022, Check CBT-1 Exam Schedule

FSSAI Food Analyst Exam Pattern

  1. The paper would be in two parts.
  2. There will be 16 Subjective type questions
  3. The duration will be 180 minutes.
Subject  No. Of Questions Duration
Food Laws and Standards of India and International Food Laws 04 180 Minutes
Planning Organization and setting up of Food Analysis Laboratory 04
Physical, Chemical and Instrumental analysis 04
Case studies for interpretation and providing an opinion based on an analysis report as per FSSR 2011 04
Total 16

FSSAI Technical Officer Exam Pattern

  1. The paper would be in two parts.
  2. There will be 120 Objective MCQ type questions
  3. The duration will be 180 minutes.
  4. For each right answer, 4 marks will be given
  5. For each wrong  answer, 1 mark will be deducted
Subject  No. Of Questions Duration
General Intelligence 10 180 Minutes
English Language 10
General Awareness 10
Computer Literacy 10
FSSAI(Functional knowledge) 80
Total 120

FSSAI Assistant Manager and Deputy Manager Exam Pattern

  1. There will be 120 Objective MCQ type questions
  2. The duration will be 180 minutes.
  3. For each right answer, 4 marks will be given
  4. For each wrong  answer, 1 mark will be deducted
Subject  No. Of Questions Duration
General Intelligence 10 120 Minutes
General Awareness 10
Computer Literacy 10
FSSAI(Functional knowledge) 10
Choice of Section from A, B, and C 80
Total 120

FSSAI Hindi Translator Exam Pattern

  1. The paper would be in two parts, Part 1 comprising of 60 Objective MCQ type questions to be attempted in 90 minutes.
  2. Part II will also comprise 60 questions to be attempted in 90 minutes and will have questions on the subject matter of translation (in objective form)
  3. The total number of questions will be 120.
  4. The duration will be 180 minutes.
  5. For each right answer, 4 marks will be given
  6. For each wrong  answer, 1 mark will be deducted
  7. Both Part 1 and Part 2 would carry 50% weightage each.
Parts Subject  No. Of Questions Duration

General Intelligence 10 180 Minutes








General Awareness 10
Computer Literacy 10
Quantitative Aptitude 10
FSSAI – Role, Functions 20

Translation: Principles & Practices 10
Official Language Policy of Indian Union 10
Noting & Drafting or Precis Writing in Hindi 10
Translation from Hindi to English 15
Translation from English to Hindi 15
  Total 120
Click here to download the FSSAI Syllabus: Hindi Translator

FSSAI Personal Assistant Exam Pattern

  1. There will be 120 Objective MCQ type questions
  2. The duration will be 180 minutes.
  3. For each right answer, 4 marks will be given
  4. For each wrong  answer, 1 mark will be deducted
  5. Qualified candidates in the written test will be called for skill Test in Steno typing
Subject  No. Of Questions Duration
General Intelligence 20 180 Minutes



General Awareness 20
Computer Literacy 25
English Language 10
Quantitative Aptitude 20
FSSAI – Role, Functions  25
Total 120

FSSAI Assistant and Junior Assistant Grade -1 Exam Pattern


  1. There will be 120 Objective MCQ type questions
  2. The duration will be 180 minutes.
  3. For each right answer, 4 marks will be given
  4. For each wrong  answer, (-1) mark will be deducted
Subject  No. Of Questions Duration
General Intelligence 20 180 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 20
English Language 10
General Awareness 20
Computer Literacy 25
FSSAI – Role, Functions, Initiatives (A General Understanding) 25
Total 120

FSSAI Assistant Manager (IT) & IT Assistant Exam Pattern

  1. The paper would be in two parts.
  2. There will be 120 Objective MCQ type questions
  3. The duration will be 180 minutes.
  4. For each right answer, 4 marks will be given
  5. For each wrong  answer, 1 mark will be deducted
Subject  No. Of Questions Duration
General Intelligence 10 180 Minutes
English Language 5
General Awareness 10
Indian and International Food Laws (An Overview) 05
FSSAI -Role, Functions, Initiatives (A General Understanding) 10
Engineering Mathematics 30
Computer Science and Information Technology 50
Total 120

Click here to download the FSSAI Syllabus for Assistant Manager (IT) 

 FSSAI Assistant Director & Administrative Officer Exam Pattern


  1. There will be 120 Objective MCQ type questions
  2. The duration will be 180 minutes.
  3. For each right answer, 4 marks will be given
  4. For each wrong  answer, 1 mark will be deducted
Subject  No. Of Questions Duration
General Intelligence 10 180 Minutes
English Language 10
General Awareness 10
Computer Literacy 10
FSSAI(Functional knowledge) 10
Indian and International Food Laws (An Overview) 10
Choose from Section A and B 60
Total 120

 FSSAI Central Food Safety Officer Exam Pattern

  1. The paper would be in two parts.
  2. There will be 120 Objective MCQ type questions
  3. The duration will be 180 minutes.
  4. For each right answer, 4 marks will be given
  5. For each wrong  answer, 1 mark will be deducted
Subject  No. Of Questions Duration
General Intelligence 10 180 Minutes


English Language 10
General Awareness 10
Computer Literacy 10
FSSAI(Functional knowledge) 80
Total 120

FSSAI Assistant Director (Tech) Exam Pattern

  1. There will be 120 Objective MCQ type questions
  2. The duration will be 180 minutes.
  3. For each right answer, 4 marks will be given
  4. For each wrong  answer, 1 mark will be deducted
Subject  No. Of Questions Duration
General Intelligence 10 180 Minutes


English Language 10
General Awareness 10
Computer Literacy 10
Fictional Knowledge 80
Total 120

FSSAI Syllabus 2021

The detailed post-wise syllabus for FSSAI recruitment 2021 is given below. Candidates must check The syllabus of the post for which they have applied and start their preparations immediately.

FSSAI Syllabus 2021: Technical Officer

Subject Topics
General Intelligence  Include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type for e.g. Questions on analogies, similarities, and difference, space visualization, problems solving, analysis, judgment, decision making visual memory, discriminating relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series.
General Awareness Questions to test the ability of the candidates General Awareness of the environment around him/her and its application to society. Also testing knowledge of current events and matters of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person. The test will include questions relating to India and neighboring countries especially about History, Culture, Geography, Economic scene, General Polity including Indian Constitution, sports and scientific research etc. These questions will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline
English language Comprehension Would test the candidates understanding of the English language its vocabulary, grammar, etc. would include questions on comprehension, one-word substitution, synonyms, and antonyms, spelling error, spotting errors in sentences, grammar nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, use of 'a 'an" and 'the', idioms And phrases, etc, Parts of speech.
Computer Literacy The candidate is expected to be able to handle all regular office work on computers. Knowledge of MS office (word, excel, PowerPoint) including basic commands, Google Docs, emails, digital signature, Commonly use social media handles (Whatsapp, FB, Twitter, etc). would be tested.

FSSAI Syllabus 2021: Central Food Safety Officer

Subject Topics
General Intelligence It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal types e.g. Questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision making visual memory, discriminating relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series.
General Awareness  Questions to test the ability of the candidates General Awareness of the environment around him/her and its application to society. Also testing knowledge of current events and matters of everyday observation as may be
expected of an educated person. The test will include questions relating to India and neighboring countries especially about History, Culture, Geography, Economic scene, General Polity including Indian Constitution, sports and scientific research, etc. These questions will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline.
English language Comprehension: Would test the candidates understanding of the English language its vocabulary, grammar, etc. would include questions on comprehension, on word substitution, synonyms, and antonyms, spelling error, spotting errors in sentences, grammar noun, pronoun, adjectives, verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, use of 'a 'an" and 'the', idioms And phrases, etc, Parts of speech.
Computer Literacy The candidate is expected to be able to handle all regular office work on computers. Knowledge of MS office (word, excel, PowerPoint) including basic commands, Google Doc, emails, digital signature, Commonly use social media handles (Whattsapp, FB, Twitter, etc). would be tested

Part B

Functional Knowledge – Indicative syllabus
Indian and International Food Laws (An Overview) Food Safety and Standards Act of India, 2006 Provision, definitions and different sections of the Act and implementation.
FSS Rules and Regulations Overview of other relevant national bodies (e.g. APEDA, BIS EIC, MPEDA, Spice Board etc.)
International Food Control Systems/Laws, Regulations and Standards/Guidelines concerning Food Safety– (i) Overview of CODEX Alimentarius. Commission (History, Members, Standard setting and Advisory mechanisms: JECFA, JEMRA, JMPR): WTO agreements (SPS/TBT).
Important national and international accreditation bodies
FSSAI-Role, Functions, Initiatives (A General Understanding) Genesis and Evolution of FSSAI
Structure and Functions of Food Authority
Overview of systems and processes in Standards, Enforcement, Laboratory
ecosystem, Imports, Third-Party Audit, etc.Promoting safe and wholesome Food (Eat Right India, Food Fortification, SNF,
Clean Street Food Hub, RUCO, and various other social and behavioral change initiatives)
Training and capacity building,Role of State Food Authorities

FSSAI Syllabus 2021: Assistant

Subject Topics
General Intelligence  Include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type e.g. Questions on analogies, similarities, and difference, space visualization, problems solving, analysis, judgment, decision making visual memory, discriminating relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series.
General Awareness Questions to test the ability of the candidates General Awareness of the environment around him/her and its application to society. Also testing knowledge of current events and matters of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person. The test will include questions relating to India and
neighboring countries especially about History, Culture, Geography, Economic scene, General Polity including Indian Constitution, sports and scientific research, etc. These questions will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline
English language Comprehension Would test the candidates understanding of the English language its vocabulary, grammar, etc. would include questions on comprehension, on word substitution, synonyms, and antonyms, spelling error,
spotting errors in sentences, grammar nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, use of 'a 'an" and 'the', idioms And phrases, etc, Parts of speech.
Computer Literacy The candidate is expected to be able to handle all regular office work on computers. Knowledge of MS office (word, excel, power point) including basic commands, Google Docs, emails, digital signature, Commonly use social media handles (Whatsapp, FB, Twitter, etc). would be tested.
Quantitative Aptitude
Number Systems, Computation of Whole Number, Decimal and Fractions, Relationship between numbers Fundamental arithmetical operations:
Percentages, Ratio, and Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest (Simple and Compound), Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture, and Allegation, Time and distance, Time and work, mensuration (area, perimeter, volume).

For the detailed syllabus, candidates can go through the links provided below.

FSSAI Recruitment 2021

FSSAI Study Plan 2021

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FSSAI Syllabus 2021: FAQ

Q.How many vacancies are released for the FSSAI Recruitment 2021?

Ans: The total number of vacancies released is 233.

Q.Is there any negative marking in the FSSAI Recruitment 2021?

Ans: Yes, for each wrong answer ¼ i.e. 0.25 marks will be deducted.

Q.What is the selection process of FSSAI Recruitment 2021?

Ans: The selection process of FSSAI 2021 is a written test followed by an Interview

Q. What will be the mode of FSSAI Exam 2021?

Ans: The FSSAI Exam 2021 Will be conducted in pen and paper mode i.e. offline.

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