The ICAR-Indian Institute of Water Management (IIWM), Bhubaneswar is going to conduct walk-in-interview for selection of Senior Research Fellow (SRF), Young Professional - II (YP-II), Young Professional - I (YP-I) and Field Assistant. The recruitment will be contractual and co-terminus with the project as per ICAR project guidelines.
Interested and eligible candidates can attend the interview at the IIWM, Bhubaneswar located at Chandrasekharpur on the scheduled date.
Vacancy Details:
NICRA-CGC Project- SRF-1 post, YP-I -1 post
NePPA Project- SRF-1 post, YP-II- 1 post, YP-I- 1 post
ICAR- CIMMYT project- Field Assistant- 1 post
Educational Qualification:
10th Class, ITI, Diploma, Degree, PG (Relevant Disciplines)
Age Limit (as on date of interview): For SRF: 35 years for men & 40 years for women; For YP—II & YP-I: 45 years; For Field Assistant: 35 years for men & 40 years for women. Relaxation for SC/ST & OBC candidates as per rule.
Place of Posting: ICAR-IIWM, Bhubaneswar/ Project site/Anywhere in India as per need
Salary: Rs 31,000 for SRF, Rs 25,000 for YP-I, Rs 35,000 for YP-II, Rs 18,797 for Field Assistant
Interview Date and Time: February 26, 2022, 10 am
"The interested candidates are instructed to bring their curriculum vitae with one photograph and self attested photocopy of certificates on the date of Walk-in-interview along with original certificates in support of qualification, age & experience for verification," the IIWM notice stated.
The candidates have been asked to report for verification of the certificates etc. between 10 am and 11 am on the date of the interview.
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