| Next-Gen Work | | January 2023 | | | | Recruiting, Reskilling, and Retaining Talent in 2023 | |
Talent was big news in 2022, with the Great Resignation, quick quitting, and unfilled jobs generating headlines—and headaches for company leaders. Talent’s no less important now. Recent layoffs reduce the number of open positions but don’t completely change the tight talent market. It’s still the case that a lack of suitable people creates a bottleneck that impedes business growth. To access and accelerate the talent needed for success, consider recent insights on: - Recruiting talent
- Reskilling talent
- Retaining talent
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It’s not easy to win over top talent, especially in high-demand fields. Part of the problem lies in the recruitment process—how employers and candidates connect, communicate, set expectations, and make decisions. Or how they don’t. Often, employers don’t know what policies and actions will attract potential employees—or deter them. Sometimes, they may even be uncertain about how to find and recruit them. Companies need to understand how job seekers want to be treated throughout the recruitment process. According to our recent survey, a bad experience for the job seeker can mean a bad outcome for the wannabe employer. | |
Recruitment Myth: True or False? | | |
 If the offer is attractive, the recruiting process doesn’t matter. False. | | |
| of respondents would refuse an otherwise attractive job offer if they had a negative experience during the recruitment process | | | | |
| said that a timely, smooth process is the number one way for an employer to stand out during recruitment | | | | |
Many companies are making sustainability pledges—and finding it difficult to deliver on those pledges. | |
only | | of companies report being on track to reduce emissions in line with their ambition | | | | |
Turns out, talent is lacking. It’s hard to acquire the expertise required to plan, let alone implement, sustainability transformations. According to LinkedIn, the number of job postings that include sustainability skills grew by 8% per year from 2016 through 2021, but the number of people with those skills increased by just 6% annually over that time period. Consequently, job searches that target sustainability experts often come up empty. Because the talent that will save nature doesn’t yet exist naturally (at least not in the quantities required), rapid upskilling has taken center stage. | |
Deskless workers in health care, retail, manufacturing, hospitality and logistics, and many similar industries represent 70% to 80% of the world’s labor force. While many people with office jobs switched to working remotely during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, most deskless workers remained onsite. Now, more than half of them say that they are burned out, and 43% are either actively or passively looking for a new job—and pay isn’t the primary factor why they are at risk of quitting. Rather, the primary factor is that their emotional needs are not being met. Companies can take action to keep employees on the job. | |
Find out what workers want Discover what’s important to employees, make changes to meet their needs, and align those changes to broader company goals. | | Build great managers Use input from top-performing managers and deskless workers to design new routines and tools for managers. | | Invest in making work better Experiment with technology, flexible work, new benefits, and other ways of working to make work better. | | |
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