A couple days ago I discovered that I appear several times in Steven Greer’s new film, The Lost Century. I say “discovered” because I’d quite forgotten that I’d done that interview. The timing is good though, because I’m dead set on bringing the UFO topic into the Kennedy campaign that I’ve become involved in. Just kidding. It isn’t a political issue, is it. It doesn’t make voters’ top ten list of issues important to them. Let me fact-check myself to make sure. Here’s an NPR poll. Let’s see… economy, preserving democracy, health care, immigration, climate change, crime, guns, abortion, education. Nope, UFOs aren’t in the top ten. In fact, Kennedy did tweet an article that appeared in The Debrief about a whistleblower who claims information about covert programs, including the recovery of intact alien craft, was illegally withheld from Congress. He is not some random crank:
Wait a second here. Why did I hasten to assure you that Mr. Grusch is not some “random crank”? By doing that I buttress the narrative that, generally speaking, those involved in this field are cranks. I hint at its illegitimacy. Probably I used that term to suggest that I am not a crank myself, but rather a discerning, skeptical observer who doesn’t hesitate to call people cranks when they deviate from established orthodoxy. This is called “punching down.” OK, having suitably established my credibility, I am now free to explore why it is that UFOs are not a political issue. RFK, Jr.’s tweet (which I would call “ill-advised” were it not for the fact that *I* advised it) was met with ridicule. “Conspiracy theory!” Our response was, “If I’m a conspiracy theorist, then so is The Debrief, the Daily Beast, and Newsweek,” which all printed similar articles. At this point it has spread throughout the media. Moreover, Grusch is far from the first credible former military or intelligence official to make such claims. It is hard to understand why someone would risk their career to talk about ETs. For decades anyone who did so would be destroyed, labeled — that’s right — a crank and a conspiracy theorist. People and media outlets who found them credible would be loath to risk the contagion of disrepute by defending them or even referring to them with anything but mockery. That is how it is possible that UFOs seem like such a fringe belief when a large minority, perhaps even a majority, believe they are of extraterrestrial origin. This is not the only arena where the socially and politically safest thing to do is to ridicule beliefs that one holds oneself. That is how societies maintain orthodoxy in defiance of facts and experiences. The maintenance of orthodoxy has a more esoteric dimension: the maintenance of reality. This was one of the topics of a recent interview I did on Contact Tour. Video here. I recommend you watch the video because a lot is conveyed in my vocalization, but here below is a transcript. Contact Tour Interview TranscriptA Conversation Between Tyler Zahradnik and Charles Eisenstein Tuesday, June 13, 2023 Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour We are about to dive into a very interesting conversation with an author, social commentator, I consider him a philosopher. He is a researcher and a student of Eastern philosophy. He's an environmentalist. One of my idols, somebody who I aspire to be like: Charles Eisenstein. We're gonna be talking about the implications of a post-disclosure world where our human family is having regular encounters with non-human intelligences, extraterrestrial beings. And what that means for our civilization, what are the as Danny Sheehan would put it, what are the theological, philosophical implications. Charles, thank you so much for your time, brother. Thank you very much. Charles Eisenstein Oh, I'm happy to do it. It's gonna be fun. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour For everybody who does not know Charles, I already gave you an introduction. But I'll give you a condensed introduction one more time. Charles is an environmentalist. He is an author. I consider you a philosopher, in many ways. And he was just in Dr. Greer’s latest film the Lost Century, where he was discussing the implications of free energy technologies, alternative propulsion technologies, and the environmental impact that our human activities are having on our planet right now. So I want to, I want to start at the term we were talking about. I think about an hour ago, when we jumped on the phone, that term I just heard for the first time called ‘planetocide’, can you give us your definition of ‘planetocide,’ and what's causing it? Charles Eisenstein Well, I'd never heard the term before you mentioned it, but I'm just guessing it must mean the murder of a planet. And it does quite often seem that that's what human beings are doing, through our destruction of ecosystems. To the point where some environmentalists, some people think that maybe Earth would be better off without us, which is actually a profound misunderstanding of what the human species is for. We were born of Earth, created with the same purpose that all species have, which is to enhance life, and unfold even more beauty and aliveness on Earth. So it may be that modern civilization has not yet fully accepted that purpose. But that doesn't mean that we're God's mistake, it means that we just haven't grown up yet. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour We still have some maturing to do. Charles Eisenstein Yeah. Which is why we're not fully accepted in the Galactic Federation yet. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour Exactly. I was listening to the conversation that yourself and Robert Kennedy Jr. had recently on his podcast, and you were saying that you didn't become environmentalist because you were, it wasn't like fear based. It wasn't, I need to take some kind of action to save us. You you became an environmentalist from a very from a very different place. Can you share that with us? Charles Eisenstein I mean, nobody becomes an environmentalist, because of all the money it'll save them were the calculations that they've made, that it's going to be bad for them if they don't start recycling their whiskey bottles. I mean, we naturally fall in love with creation, we fall in love with the birds and the fish and they enrich our lives, with the places that we roam as children. Those of us who have had that blessing. Nowadays, it's getting more and more unusual to be allowed to roam outside. And that disconnection then facilitates the continued separation and destruction. But, it's that love and then the grief for what is love lost, and the yearning to recover it, even people who've never had it. That's what actually motivates environmentalism, not calculations of carbon footprints and things like that. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour There was a quote from the film that resonated with me very deeply. And you said that there was a 10% planet that we're living on? Yeah. Can we dive into that a little bit? What does that mean, when you say 10%? Planet? Charles Eisenstein Yeah, I got that phrase from JP MacKinnon. He's a naturalist. And it's kind of a poetic description of the level of depletion of life. , like, maybe 10% of the whales exist today, compared to 200 years ago. 10, maybe, I don't know what percent of the fish biomass, what percent of the mangrove swamps? What percent of the seagrass meadows, what percent of the oysters. You used to be able to find oysters a foot across in the Chesapeake Bay. Like what 10% is saying is there's been a lot of degradation. But even though the world is so beautiful, and Life still is doing its best to maintain the conditions for life. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour What you mentioned a moment ago, how we still have some growing up to do before we can get accepted to the cosmos, the Galactic Federation. What's your perception? And what's your assessment of the entire situation that's happening right now? We are living in the process of disclosures. We are about to see a world that's going to begin communicating with extraterrestrial beings. What what does that what does that stir in you? What kind of thoughts come to your mind? Charles Eisenstein Well, so disclosure is not just something that happens from the outside. It's not just that, that those in the know about people in power, whatever, or have just decided to disclose something to us, it is part of a shift in consciousness, where the the collective consciousness becomes available to apprehend the reality of extraterrestrials. Or you could even say that we are shifting into the reality in which they actually exist. And that shift of consciousness makes disclosure unstoppable, it magnetizes disclosure into our awareness because we're ready for it. We were literally not ready for it in 1950. It would have been too great a shock to the collective mind. So through a combination of nefarious manipulation and instinctive wisdom, we kept it on the margins of society, or you could even say the margins of reality. So, you could, if you were a UFO-ologist back then it wasn't on your margins of reality, but you yourself would be marginalized. So society maintained the basic mythology of progress, of modernity, of civilization, that was in correspondence to the consciousness of the time, and was actually a necessary vehicle for humanity to pass through the stage of growth that it was in. And now that stage has ended. And we no longer resonate with the myths and the goals and aspirations of that time: to conquer nature, for example. Like we are in an adolescent maturation process. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour And you had a quote in the film that I really loved, and you weren't saying this line in the context of UFOs. But it was along the lines, I'm gonna paraphrase. I don't remember it word by word. But it was something like when you show people a new idea that totally contradicts their basic assumptions about the universe, there is cognitive dissonance. So I'm sure there's a great percentage of our human family that's going to have to really, mentally and philosophically and maybe even theologically adjust to this new information being presented. Do you have any kind of insights as to a method that can be used or an approach that can be used to help people integrate this information, because it may be a shell shock for a lot of people. Charles Eisenstein People have a natural defense mechanism to protect themselves from shell shock. They'll just either flat out deny it, they'll label it as conspiracy theory, or they'll just put it in a separate bin of their mind that says, yeah, that's just an anomaly, whatever, I'm not going to think about it. Yeah, there's weird things, but I'm gonna get back to my life. I do that. Like, here are these revelations which are no surprise to me. I mean, this information has been out there of the government finding alien craft and trying to reverse engineer them and keeping it secret. Like, I knew that all. I've known that all along. But it doesn't really impinge that much on my day to day decisions. So I haven't thrown off my clothes and ran streaking through the street because oh my god, we're not alone. But to varying degrees we allow the knowledge to penetrate and to integrate, and it changes our worldview over time. And we have to recognize that this adaptation to new information does take time, it requires a kind of a readiness. And that readiness also is a function of other aspects of the story that people carry about who they are and what is real and how the world works. So people become a lot more receptive to information about UFOs, for example, when other aspects of their reality picture have started to disintegrate. Maybe they were full believers in everything orthodox, and then, maybe they were damaged by a certain medical product, but I don't know if I'm allowed name anymore. Because I don't want you to be censored, but just say, suppose something outlandish like that happened, and everything that they thought about medicine and progress and science now lies in shambles. And then naturally, you think well, okay, what else have I taken for granted as reality itself that is just a story. What else? Where else have I been lied to and gaslit and deceived. So people then begin questioning everything, including things that probably are true. It's not like every single thing we've been told is a lie. That is another kind of fundamentalism. It's the mirror image of everything we've been told is true. Okay, everything we've been told is a lie. Well, the truth is somewhere in between, and that is another aspect of maturity. I don't want to be patronizing here. These habits of thought, black and white, either or, infect me as much as anybody else. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour And there's also this perspective that I really loved. I was talking to Michael Mazola years ago, who's the director of the film that Charles was just in for everyone who's listening right now, the Lost Century, highly advising people to go watch. It's a beautiful film that articulates the Global Energy and Climate crises with the suppressed and sequestered energy technologies in a very, very beautiful way. But Michael was saying this, because he used to be a diehard skeptic, the moment people would bring the topic up to him, or try to open the conversation, he would just offensively shut it down. And he told me the reason why. Because he's obviously gone from being a total skeptic to making some of the most successful UFO documentaries on the planet. So I had to ask him: what made you go from being such a diehard skeptic to having a UFO Documentary with 750 million views worldwide? And he said, Well, simply, I didn't want to take responsibility for the information. Because you have to take responsibility for the new information that's presented to you like what you just mentioned, it touches on every aspect of your life. How can you go about your day to day role and your day to day responsibilities and your obligations when you have a glimpse outside of the substructure that we live within? Charles Eisenstein Yeah, it's hard to know what to do with the information. But I think another reason people are resistant is because it is an assault on their identity. Because who we think we are is related to what we believe about the world. And our role in the world makes sense, given the reality that we hold. So when that reality comes into question, then, who am I, that comes into question as well, which is why people take it personally, when you question their beliefs. It feels like you're being assaulted. And in a sense, you are. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour Yeah, it's fascinating to me, because over the years I held my interest in this subject in the closet, didn't bring up to friends then bring up the family, even my own personal experiences, because I've probably witnessed well over 200 anomalies in my life up to this point. And I really held them in myself because I knew that they would challenge the the philosophy and like the ideology of the people around me and I felt like some people are ready, some people aren't. And it just blows my mind to think about how many people we have on this planet and the adjustments and the, and the transformation that's about to occur with all this new information coming out, and especially with the new energy tech, that's really what I wanted to talk to you about. Charles Eisenstein Yep, we can go into that. I think actually, something you said will lead us into that. You talked about not speaking out about these anomalies that you've experienced. I mean, even to call them anomalies means that they're exceptions to normal reality. But another way to look at them was that they are part of a larger reality that is shut out from conventional belief systems. The thing is, when you don't talk about them, you contribute to a conspiracy of silence. Because nobody's talking about them, you think you're the only one, and it makes it a lot harder to talk about them. It could be that every single person has seen with their own eyes that the emperor has no clothes. But everybody thinks that everybody else thinks the Emperor has clothes. In fact, a lot of people have experienced these… there's not even a good word for it… paranormal experiences, miracles, things that but I would just say things that don't fit into reality as we have received it. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour Yeah, even that definition, even a definition of paranormal, right, it's just the normal that has yet to be discovered through research, so it's just the normal that has yet to be discovered. Charles Eisenstein Okay, so there's a deeper level of this, though, because reality and our beliefs about reality are not separate. The story that we hold about the world is related to the world. And I'm not going to say it as simply as beliefs create reality. But let's just say that there is an intimate and mysterious connection between our beliefs between our consciousness, and the experiences that we think of as objective reality. So, this conspiracy of silence that I was talking about actually is a collective fixing of reality in a certain configuration. When we begin to share these experiences, when they get into the media, when when UFOs is no longer are a taboo topic, the reality that we are speaking of changes, and more and more evidence comes in through the gateway that has been opened through our power of word, by weaving a new story of what exists and what is real. This story that we weave is not just an intellectual construct, it is connected to our state of being, to our consciousness, even to our ecological consciousness, to our awareness of the purpose of a human being on this earth, which is to contribute to life and beauty and to apprehend, to behold the magnificence of creation and take delight in it. The more that we integrate that as our purpose, the less we are attracted to narratives of conquest and domination, the more mature we become as a species, and the more aligned we are to the higher extraterrestrial races and in turn to free energy devices, the more accommodating our collective reality becomes to these devices, which, just like UFOs, have been kept at the margins of reality, both through nefarious manipulation, but also because of an instinctive of wisdom. We were not ready for it. These toys are not to be given to children. Look what we did with the last major advance in energy technology. The first thing we did, we made a bomb and incinerated over 100,000 people. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour Charles, that's scary to think about, how we've detonated 2060 nuclear bombs on this planet. Right. And that that was, and that was our best idea at that time. Let's detonate these and just see how far we can push the boundaries and how far we could push the limits. I'm not even sure if a lot of people ever heard of Project Titan. Project Titan is when we detonated three nuclear weapons side by side of the upper atmosphere. And that's what ripped a massive hole into our ozone. So we have a tendency of when we open Pandora's Box, we're not very responsible with it. And I was I was having this conversation with my fiancee like a couple of weeks ago because I've been so Deep in the rabbit hole on researching the free energy technologies, and it dawned on me, I was like, exactly what you just said, Charles, if we had this, and we are not ready for it, it would be our ultimate destruction. How do you how do you recommend that we go about releasing these technologies and utilize them them in a peaceful application but but not weaponizing them or using them for some kind of authoritarian purposes. Charles Eisenstein We have to work on the foundation of the psychic foundation of Free Energy Society, which is the consciousness of abundance. Because free energy is an expression of cosmic abundance, and it is incompatible with scarcity thinking, which is hoarding, which is stinginess, selfishness. It's built into our economic system, it's built into our political system. We take it for granted as the way that the world is. These technologies will be forever at the margins until we begin to actually embody and choose and express, not just as an idea, or spiritual teaching, but in our actual human affairs: generosity. And then these technologies, which are always frustratingly at the edge… It's always like, Oh, maybe this is the one and then this person turns out to be a fraud and gives them all a bad name, or on the day of the demonstration, finally, some scientists will come and watch the demonstration that just happens not to work that day. There's all of these barriers. It's always just on the horizon. It's because we're not ready for it. This is not, we're not these victims, that helpless victims of nefarious elites. They only have power because they are drawing on the psychic mirror inside of ourselves. And the more that we heal from that, the less power that they will have. In very practical ways, we won't believe the lies. But there's also there's also subtler energies that they are feeding on to maintain their power. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour Adam Curry said this beautifully in the Lost Century, it was towards the ending of the film, he said that our collective consciousness, I'm paraphrasing, again, I don't have the word for word, but he said that every single one of us is so invested in the current system, and the current infrastructure, our friends, our careers, our motivations, our desires are based in the current system that we have now. And I love how he said, The best way to figure out if we're ready, or if we're ready for the new world or not, is to not look outside of us, and to make changes outside of us. You have to ask yourself these questions. Can you ask yourself the questions? Am I willing to change in the way myself? For the changes I want to see in the world? Charles Eisenstein And you have to ask that question with genuine curiosity and not as an exultation. Am I ready? Not like, what's wrong with me if I'm not. No, it's actually a question of curiosity. Am I ready? Am I willing? I think you said, Am I willing? Well, maybe I'm not. And if I'm not, I'm not. I don't want people to reenact the paradigm of force against themselves, which is the paradigm of conquest, which is the immaturity of the human species on this earth. Instead, we can say, if I'm not willing, what are the conditions into which I will ripen into willingness? What what do I need? And what am I actually ready for? And maybe there is the next step that we're ready for. Maybe it's that you can feel it, feel its presence. It's not that you're going to , give away all your money and live in the forest, eating roots and berries, but maybe there is something calling you that feels like a next step into enactment of your purpose of serving life and beauty on Earth and beholding the magnificence of creation and taking delight in it. Maybe there's like a next step that's right in front of you. And as we make these steps, we change the field so that it becomes accommodating to all of the beautiful things that we know are possible that have been on the margins. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour Absolutely. We are so much more. I went on this rant not too long ago with my friend James. I remember the tangent very welll. I was just going off about how we are so much more than just these economic fueling pawns in this system. And in this capitalistic materialistic system, you are not your job, you are not the amount of money you have in your bank account. You are not the clothing you wear, you're not your financial status. You're not where you live, you're not your social groups. There's this higher aspect of what it means to be human that I truly believe that having encounters with the extraterrestrial beings demonstrates, tapping into your creativity, tapping into the love and asking yourself those deeper questions. And if all of us can kind of just start looking at the world in a way that's more like non-secular, I think I'm using that term correctly, because it feels like, correct me if I'm wrong, Charles, secular means there's no more mysteries to be solved. No more spirituality, like everything we know, we have figured it out. And this is the way it's gonna be forever. Charles Eisenstein You could mean that by secular, usually it's used to distinguish from religious. When you were speaking, saying “you are not your clothes, you're not,” part of me was like, “I'm not?” And then I thought, just kind of as a joke, but then I thought a bit more seriously about it. It's not that we're not these things. It's that we're not only these things, because it's also true that I am my clothes, like they are an expression of my being. And I am my relationships, and I am my embodiment. I am this body. And the rejection of materiality and embodiment, in favor of something supposedly more sacred, that is also a version of the same paradigm of conquest, and the same abdication of our true role and purpose here on Earth. But then it's also realizing that okay, maybe we have made the body into actually less than what it actually is, maybe we have made materiality into less than it actually is. So the UFOs, it's not that they are immaterial and can only exist on a spiritual plane. In fact, that's one of the lessons that they're giving us, along with crop circles and a lot of these other phenomena. They are showing us that reality, materiality, is a lot more than you thought. And by extension, my body is a lot more than I thought, my being is a lot more than I thought, and mystery opens up to us that is not to be found outside the world. But the world itself becomes more animated, and more alive. That's what excites me. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour I read John Keels book, The Eighth Tower, not too long ago. And the biggest takeaway from that book, Charles, was he was talking about what he refers to as the ultra spectrum and the ultra Terrestrials, the the visible and audible bandwidth of the electromagnetic spectrum from 20 Hertz to 20k hertz, that's all we perceive this reality when we're in baseline consciousness. We only perceive a 10th of a percent of the actual electromagnetic spectrum that is all around us. So that means the world that we interact with every day, the people we interact with every day, the experiences we have, you're only seeing a 10th of a percent of what's actually there. So what you just said, the manifestations of these non human vehicles that seem to just disappear and reappear, materialize out of thin air, they are showing us something that there is much more to be discovered. Much, much more. And I want to talk to you about sanity, because I signed up for your emails. And it's so relevant, how you can just have some kind of community to communicate with and help keep us sane. I want to talk to you about sanity. How are you managing that? Charles Eisenstein Okay, there's a lot there. So yeah, I did launch a program called the Sanity Project. Six months starting this week. So yeah, if people resonate with what I'm saying, you could check that out. So, for one thing, I don't try to fix things into a definition of okay, here's what sanity is. Doing that is actually a form of insanity. Because it says that we can contain reality inside of our categories. It's not like it's a bad idea ever to make definitions. But we just cannot pretend that the map is the territory. Because then we get lost in the map, and we stop seeing the territory. This is what we were talking about earlier, like certain data points are just excluded from reality, not because they're not real, but because they don't fit. So one thing that I can say, though, that I do mean by sanity, it's to expand our acceptance of reality to include the things that had been left out, or or exiled, because they were uncomfortable, because they didn't fit because they challenged our self, our identity or a worldview. And this includes some of the most horrible things happening on this planet, and some of the most beautiful things happening on this planet. And the more that we encompass those, the more that we feel like, it's not just an intellectual integration of them. Although intellect isn't just intellect. It is the feeling mechanism that actually allows the integration. It's the feeling of horror and shock and grief when we apprehend a loss. When we see something terrible happening when we see another's pain, it's also the sense of awe, and gratitude, and joy when we witnessed a healing, or experienced one ourselves. All of that has to be taken in. So the reason I launched The Sanity Project is that that this acceptance, or this expansion of our beliefs, cannot be done through individual heroism. It's not just your own willingness. It's also the field that a group can hold. It's just human nature. When you see something that doesn't fit into society's reality, what's the first thing you do? You turn to your brother. And you say, Did you see that? I'm thinking this, have you been thinking that? Am I crazy? You're seeking consensus. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour Yeah, you want the agreeability? Charles Eisenstein Because we know that our senses are fallible? Is that a lion over there? Are we in danger? Is that a UFO? Or is that just swamp gas? Is that a weather balloon? I like to say sanity is a group project. So what I'm doing in this program is, I guess, summoning, invoking a field of sanity and offering kind of a slow drip of provocations and inspirations and things like that. Partly for my own benefit, because I can't say I'm any better. I'm not made of different stuff than anyone else. I can't stay sane on my own. In fact, maybe I’m such a wuss when it comes to sanity that I have to gather hundreds of people around me to help keep me sane. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour We're very similar in that way. The people who I love, the people around me really anchor me into my sanity, especially when I think you and I also have like a very similar passion for insects, because remember hearing in the Lost Century, I Love Bees, Charles, if there's two things that I love most in this world, besides my passion for studying phenomenology and the UFOs it is bees. I Love Bees. I love seeing them on the flowers outside, I love seeing them pollinate and hive and I just love them so much. And when I saw that part of the film, we were talking about how there's no more bug splatter on windshields anymore. I went out that day, and I was driving, I was driving in my car and I was like, there's no more blood bug splatter, we probably lost so much of the insect life. And it's like, I can lose myself in those thoughts very easily. And then you become so hyper focused on the lack, right? You become so hyper focused on the damage, and the tragedy of it all. And then it's like having people around, you can kind of bring you back into presence and say, Listen, you're here right now. We can have this moment. And we can we can just take it from here. This is a bit off topic, what we're going to talk about, do you have any kind of practices that help you just remain present? Charles Eisenstein Well, one of the practices actually is to receive information from the bees from the beings of the outdoors. Because I can go into these funks as well. Yeah, there's no bugs splatter. I was just out in my yard yesterday, day before yesterday actually. And the grass was full of clover, clover blooming. And there were no bees. No honeybees, no bumblebees, nobody, no butterflies. And I remember it as a kid, I couldn't walk across that without getting stung, I had to be really careful. And I just felt this, this piercing ache. You have a piercing ache. It hurt to see that. And I noticed sometimes that it's almost as an outlet for the hurt, or a diversion from the hurt to go into, or maybe just clothing on top of the hurt, to go into stories of ‘it's hopeless. Human beings are horrible. We're all going to die, et cetera, et cetera.’ That's a story that expresses the grief and the pain. But it is not itself the grief and the pain. And it's a kind of a map. I've seen people and even gone through it myself where I'm paralyzed by that kind of narrative. So sanity means bringing in other data points, and not gaslighting yourself when they feel meaningful. Like this morning, I was listening to a mourning dove. And I can't tell you, I can't put into words what its message was. But if I pay attention, I can still hear it inside of me. And that means that it gave me information. Sanity requires receiving that information and holding it as valuable. And paying attention to the part of you that knows that it is valuable. Because when you take it in, you don't feel that despair anymore. There is hope, hope meaning a premonition of a possibility that can engage us into action. That's what hope really is. And so that part of you that knows that, the despair narrative will gaslight. It'll say ‘no, no, don't pay attention to what you actually know. It's not true.’ That's like the actual definition of gaslighting. People misuse the term a lot now, but that's what we're doing to ourselves. So I would say we need these other forms of information in order to stay sane. And these other forms of information comes through connection to each other, and to non human beings. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour You're wrapping up the Lost Century film with making the point about, so there's paved roadways, there's parking lots, we have cement, that the concrete hellscape is what you call that, I believe, like word for word. Now, that takes maintenance. And you said after five years, you'll start seeing some grass come through after 15 years, it'll be very patchy, then after 50 years, you won't even recognize that there was a highway or a parking lot paved there at all. So what the point you're making was how, how beautiful nature is its ability to thrive and its resiliency, and to bounce back against all of the actions that humanity has taken for it. So I really feel extremely optimistic right now. I'm very hopeful. And I feel very uplifted and positive about all of the happenings, things that have been unfolding in terms of disclosure and call it what you will, but an awakening, an awakening of higher states of consciousness for humanity, where we're reconnecting what we've lost with nature, when we separate our relationship with nature and made ourselves independent and separate from nature. It feels as though all these connections are starting to come back into play, and they're starting to reestablish themselves. So what what's your perspective right now? How hopeful are you? How optimistic are you? What gets you out of bed? What keeps you motivated to continue the work that you do? Charles Eisenstein Well, what keeps me motivated is the opportunity to do the work that I'm here to do. When I start feeling useless, when I start feeling that my gifts are not being received, then my will to live begins to ebb. I guess, the will to live is connected to what you're saying about the parking lot. Life wills to live, and life wills to make the world alive. And the default state of existence is life. That's why when you start paving over the parking lot for a few years, it grows cracks, it grows weeds, it returns to life, which means that when we are aligned with life, the world is no longer our enemy, as it is in the modern conception of conquest. And again, that is maturity. When that realization soaks into us individually and collectively, then aliens will no longer be alien, but will be part of our community. It's a really big shift in perspectives. It's a shift away from the war against the world as a shift away from thinking, the like this anthropocentrism that thinks that human beings are the sole repositories of consciousness and intelligence in the world. And instead we become, we surrender in awe to the intelligence and life that contains us. And then we ask, what is my role in this larger intelligence? Because I don't have to imprint my intelligence onto the world anymore. I don't have to make a plan. I don't have to engineer everything. We don't have to as a species. But instead, there's a much larger happening going on, and what do we do? How do we participate in it? What is mine to do? So as long as as long as I'm aligned with what is mine to do in this moment, then the lifeforce flows through me abundantly. And when either I don't pay attention to what is mine to do, or circumstances conspire to make me not useful, then, on a soul level, that's fine. I just want to go somewhere else. From the soul level, whether I'm located in this material world or not, it's not that important. What's important is that I am exercising my function as a Creator, that I am participating in the circle of gift, abundantly giving, abundantly receiving. The receiving thing is that delight in creation, and the giving is the service to beauty. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour And that's really what I feel as though the free energy technologies will make available for more and more people, when we have this fundamental, universal abundance, that allows members of our human family to just pursue their creative passions, to work on their art, to work on what they love to do, to not have to go… Charles Eisenstein But the causality is the reverse. It's when we devote ourselves and take that extra little step of courage to take the next step into devoting ourselves to our art, to our music, to our, to our gifts to our healing of self and others, to making the world more beautiful to make the world more alive. When we do that, then the free energy beings, because these technologies are also beings, they'll say, ‘Oh, this is a good place for me to go, because I will be well used.’ But until we demonstrate that we are ready to use energy well, these technologies will be withheld from us. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour It's the expression, ‘a civilization’s level of technological progression is only equal to their current state of collective consciousness.’ Like what Einstein says, ‘No problem can be solved from within the same state of consciousness that created it.’ So this all really is an inside job, Charles. Yeah, it is an inside job for all of us individually to ask those questions we were talking about earlier, and then be that change. I know it sounds very cliche, but we have to embody it and carry that energy out to the world. And then that will affect the field. And in a matter of time, we can all reach that same, that same vibration, that same frequency, and then like you said, the technologies will be in resonance with where we are as a species. I can't thank you enough for taking some time to just come on here and talk to all of us. The comments have been incredible. Everybody was loving the conversation. Thank you, everybody. Charles, you want to share any links where people can sign up for The Sanity Project? Charles Eisenstein The main hub for everything would just be my website, CharlesEisenstein.org. Yeah, that's enough of a link people can find. Tyler Zahradnik - Contact Tour Charles man, thank you so much keep up your amazing work. I'm really grateful you're able to come on here. Thanks for reading my blog on Substack, You can support my work by becoming a paying subscriber. (Same content, with an extra little buzz of gratitude.) |