NICL Exam Syllabus Details :-

Exam pattern :-
Exam will be of a mix of objective type questions and descriptive questions and it will of total one hundred and fifty marks. Objective questions will of 100 marks and descriptive questions will of 50 marks. Details of objective and descriptive sections are as belowObjective section :-
• Logical Reasoning: this section will have 25 questions of 1 mark each. So total 25 marks are allotted to logical reasoning. It would have multiple choice questions that will assess candidates ability to analyze and reason with logic.• English language: this section will have 25 questions of 1 mark each. So total 25 marks are allotted to English language. This section will test applicant’s awareness on intricacies and basics of English grammar, sentence constructions etc. idea of having this section is to gauge candidate’s comfort level with English as a language.
• General Awareness: this section will have 25 questions of 1 mark each. So total 25 marks are allotted to General Awareness. This section will have questions pertaining to current events in India and rest of the world. It would assess candidate overall awareness about things happening globally, socially, politically and economically.
• Numerical ability: this section will have 25 questions of 1 mark each. So total 25 marks are allotted to Numerical ability. This section will have questions pertaining to quantitative aptitude, common mathematical problems, numerical interpretations etc.
Descriptive Section :-
This question will assess candidates knowledge in English language. It is of 50 marks and will have descriptive or narrative answers. This section will include précis writing, answers to comprehension passages, essay writing and business communication.Please note that for all applicants, descriptive part will only be evaluated if they clear the threshold of objective questions paper. The governing authorities will decide threshold. Also note that this examination follows the style of negative marking. For every wrong answer you will be penalized 0.25 mark. So don’t guess and answer the questions that you are sure off.
There Will Be A Objective Paper On Reasoning,English,Numerical Ability,Computer & General Awareness.A Descriptive Paper On Eassay,Precis & Comprehension With A Total Of 300 Marks For 3 Hrs Exam Of NICL AO 2013.Study Material & Classroom Coaching Is Available At 9874581055/9038870684 Or Mail At For Details