Haryana PSC Recruitment 2013 | www.hpsconline.in |Online Application form
Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) invitesOnline Applications for recruitment to thirty Seven Temporary Posts of A Class Naib Tehsildar (Apprentices) Gazetted Class II (Group B) in Revenue Deaprtment, Haryana. Candidates who are passionate to get this job canapply Online before 24th October, 2013. www.iupsc.inhighlights eligibility Criteria, selection process, Opening and closing of Application in this blog as mentioned below
Latest Opening in PSU
Number of vacancies : 37
Name of Posts : 'A' Class Naib Tehsildar (Apprentices) Gazetted Class II (Group B) in Revenue Department
Eligibility Criteria :
Educational Qualification : Candidates must possess following essentials qualifications :
1. Graduate of a recognized University.
2. Knowledge of hindi/sanskrit upto matric standard .
Age Limit : Candidates age should be between 18 yrs and 40 yrs as on 01/01/2013. Five years relaxation in upper age limit for SC/ST and BC of Haryana.
Latest Bank jobs .
Application Fee :
1. General/Dependent ESM of Haryana : Rs. 500 as Fee + Rs.20 as Bank Charges.
2. SC/BC/ Ex-Servicemen of Haryana and women Candidates : Rs. 125 as Fee + Rs. 20 as bank charges.
3. Physically Handicapped of Haryana : Free of Cost.
How to Apply : Candidates can apply Online on HPSC website www.hpsconline.in before 24th Ocotber, 2013. Candidates required to give Categorial Replies Starting "yes" or "no" to the questions given in form and to attach this sheet with their Application form.
GAIL Recruitment 2013
Important dates :
Opening of gateway for Online Registration : 25/10/2013
Closing of gateway for Online registration : 24/10/2013
Last date for payment of Application fee: 28/10/2013
To view the Official notification and Apply Online, kindly visit.
All the visitors are urged to register their Email Address in our Mail Subscription box to get updates of govt jobs, bank jobs, central jobs, PSU jobs etc..

Latest Opening in PSU
Number of vacancies : 37
Name of Posts : 'A' Class Naib Tehsildar (Apprentices) Gazetted Class II (Group B) in Revenue Department
Eligibility Criteria :
Educational Qualification : Candidates must possess following essentials qualifications :
1. Graduate of a recognized University.
2. Knowledge of hindi/sanskrit upto matric standard .
Age Limit : Candidates age should be between 18 yrs and 40 yrs as on 01/01/2013. Five years relaxation in upper age limit for SC/ST and BC of Haryana.
Latest Bank jobs .
Application Fee :
1. General/Dependent ESM of Haryana : Rs. 500 as Fee + Rs.20 as Bank Charges.
2. SC/BC/ Ex-Servicemen of Haryana and women Candidates : Rs. 125 as Fee + Rs. 20 as bank charges.
3. Physically Handicapped of Haryana : Free of Cost.
How to Apply : Candidates can apply Online on HPSC website www.hpsconline.in before 24th Ocotber, 2013. Candidates required to give Categorial Replies Starting "yes" or "no" to the questions given in form and to attach this sheet with their Application form.
GAIL Recruitment 2013
Important dates :
Opening of gateway for Online Registration : 25/10/2013
Closing of gateway for Online registration : 24/10/2013
Last date for payment of Application fee: 28/10/2013
To view the Official notification and Apply Online, kindly visit.
All the visitors are urged to register their Email Address in our Mail Subscription box to get updates of govt jobs, bank jobs, central jobs, PSU jobs etc..