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Weekly Wrap 9 July 2022
Ukraine war: 'Please, let us in,' WHO issues plea to reach sick and injured

The UN health agency (WHO) issued an urgent appeal on Friday for access to sick and injured people caught up in the war in Ukraine, including "hundreds" of landmine victims, "premature babies, pregnant woman, older people, many of whom have been left behind".

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Peace and Security
Sanctions having negative impact on scientific research, rights experts warn

The United States must withdraw unilateral sanctions which are resulting in discrimination against academics from affected countries, a group of independent experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council said on Thursday. 

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Human Rights
UN and UEFA score Sustainable Goals as women's Euro tournament kicks off

On Wednesday, the first day of the Women's Euro 2022 football tournament, the United Nations launched Football For The Goals (FFTG), an initiative aimed at tapping into the power of the game to raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals, the UN's blueprint for a fairer, greener future.

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Climate and Environment
Convergence of conflicts, COVID and climate crises, jeopardize global goals   

Intersecting global crises are threatening the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and impacting food supplies, health, education, and security across countries worldwide, according to a new UN report released on Thursday.

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World is moving backwards on eliminating hunger and malnutrition, UN report reveals

The number of people affected by hunger globally rose to as many as 828 million in 2021, according to a new UN report that provides fresh evidence that the world is moving in reverse, away from the Sustainable Development Goal of ending hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms, by 2030, when the SDGs are supposed to be realized.

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Ukraine reconstruction is a 'long road' but it must start now: Guterres

UN chief António Guterres lent his support on Tuesday to international efforts to rebuild Ukraine, as a conference began in Switzerland to garner support for the war-shattered country.

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Peace and Security
'World is failing adolescent girls' warns UNFPA chief, as report shows third of women in developing countries give birth in teen years

Nearly a third of all women in developing countries, start having children at the age of 19 or younger, and nearly half of first births to adolescents, are to children or girls aged 17 or under, new research released on Tuesday by UNFPA, the UN sexual and reproductive health agency, reveals. 

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Libya: new suspected mass graves found in Tarhuna, says UN human rights probe

New suspected mass graves have been uncovered in Tarhuna, Libya, a Human Rights Council probe reported on Monday, highlighting continuing extreme rights abuses in the country that have affected children and adults alike.

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Human Rights
The Caribbean is 'ground zero' for the global climate emergency: Guterres

The UN Secretary-General's final day in Suriname began on a small plane and ended at a podium. A 90-minute flyover from Paramaribo into the Central Suriname Nature Reserve revealed to António Guterres the astounding beauty of the Amazon but also spotlighted the threats the rainforest is facing from mining and logging activities, and climate change. 

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Climate and Environment
Haitian children at mercy of armed gangs as schools close

Rising gang crime in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince is limiting access to education and is preventing thousands of children from going to school. Since 2020, gang-related violence has led to school closures, and children have become easy prey for gang recruitment.

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Law and Crime Prevention
Suriname gives 'hope and inspiration to the world to save our rainforests': UN chief 

Suriname might be the smallest and least populated country in South America, but it is also one of the greenest. Considered a global leader in biodiversity conservation, with more than 90 per cent of its land surface covered by native forests, the nation's unrivaled natural resources more than make up for its size. 

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Climate and Environment
What COVID-19 taught us about risk in a complex, inter-connected world

A new UN report has shed fresh light on the ways that the COVID-19 pandemic unleashed cascading risks, particularly on vulnerable people, worldwide.

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Climate and Environment
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