What caused the violent clashes in West Bengal?

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Wednesday 14 September 2022

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will travel to Uzbekistan this week for a crucial summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) that experts believe could be used by China and Russia to unveil their response to a rapidly changing world order in the wake of the Ukraine crisis.

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Modi expected to meet Putin at SCO summit this week

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit of heads of state on September 15 and 16 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, the first in-person meeting of the world’s largest regional organisation, is being closely watched by analysts for China and Russia’s response to the emerging world order, and for a clutch of significant bilaterals that will happen on the sidelines, although there is no word yet on one between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Read more.

The Big Question

What caused the violent clashes in West Bengal?

Parts of Kolkata and its outskirts resembled a battlefield on Tuesday as Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) workers fought pitched street battles with the police after the party’s procession was blocked by state authorities, sparking violent clashes and a political war of words. Read more.

UK recruitment firm CV Library has been in business since 2000. It holds 14 million CVs. But it got a boost of fame (and criticism) last week with ads that used one man's face over the line Didn't Get The Job? Whose?

From the Edit Page

Patriotism requires us all to unite for a cause

Against the odds 75 years ago, the founders of the Indian Republic set it on the path to becoming a liberal and democratic nation. It has weathered many seasons since, but its robust foundation, laid in the early years, has ensured that it has overcome impossible odds to evolve into one of the world’s leading nations. Read more.

Number Theory

Explaining the declining household burden of health spending in India

The latest report of National Health Accounts (NHA) – it has data for 2018-19 – shows that the burden of health spending on Indian households continues to reduce. The share of Out of Pocket (OOP) health spending in total health spending stood at 48.2% in 2018-19, more than 10 percentage points lower than the 58.7% value for 2016-17. This number was 64.2% for 2013-14. What has led to this sharp reduction in share of OOP health spending? An HT analysis suggests that while rising government spending has played a role, there could be statistical factors at play as well. Read more.

Infographic of the Day

Taking stock: Sustainable Development Goals

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Rishi Sunak

Photo of the Day

Into Salman’s soul

HT This Day: September 14. 1959

Russian rocket hits moon

(Click to expand)

The Soviet rocket Lunik II has hit the moon, according to officials of the Moscow planetarium.

Earlier, the rocket was expected to strike the face of the moon at 15 minute past midnight tonight at 12.15 p.m. British summer time (2-31 a.m. IST, September 14). Read more.

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Written and edited by Shahana Yasmin. Produced by Divneet Singh. Send your feedback to shahana.yasmin@hindustantimes.com or divneet.singh@partner.htdigital.in

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